Cold Hardy Seedling Sale Success

Wow—this past weekend was phenomenal, all thanks to our local Flagstaff community. You all showed UP! Thank you so much to all who came out and supported the kickstart of my seedling sale and Elevated Gardening. It was absolutely wonderful to meet so many amazing folks in our community. 

vegetable seedlings

How It Started

My sweet husband, Grey, and I got a bit of a late start to the morning (you know we had to bring coffee), so we were setting up about 20 minutes before it officially started. And people were already showing up! I was blown away. I was hustling to get all the seedlings out and Grey took on the unspoken role of cashier as I chatted plants with everyone. What a guy! 

I started with 81 six-packs of all different sorts of veggies including kale, swiss chard, spinach, and some very cool Asian greens like tatsoi and winter choy. Those plus a couple handfuls of small pots totaled to over 675 plants! 

My seed-starting shelf was FULL. And I was ready to move these babies out!

My seed-starting shelf was FULL. And I was ready to move these babies out!

The morning was starting out great. We had some sun, it was brisk but not too chilly, and we had a steady flow of lovely people wanting to get some veggies! 

How It Went

Then the snow hit. 

Luckily this was my cold-hardy seedling event. They weren’t phased, but we were bundled up and freezing!

Luckily this was my cold-hardy seedling event. They weren’t phased, but we were bundled up and freezing!

What?! Snow in April? You Flagstaffers are probably nodding along like, “Yes, even sometimes in July!” Our high altitude woes. But it makes it fun, right? I’ve got a weekly High Altitude Coffee Chat with our amazing local flower farmer Dirty Boot Farm every Thursday on Instagram Live. Come join us and check it out! This week we’ll have a local coffee roaster giving us a tour of their coffee roasting barn—so cool! 

Even with the snow, we had roughly 30-35 people come out. And after all that, we sold nearly 350 plants! Despite my Instagrammers telling me they love salad mixes, those were the least popular (ha!). 

This was in the first 30 minutes of opening—lots of awesome folks came out!

This was in the first 30 minutes of opening—lots of awesome folks came out!

It was a blast though. A huge thank you to Jame who hosted the seedling sale at her home in Doney Park (Flagstaff)! She also made some wonderful signs for the area, which drove a lot of traffic to the event too. You can follow along with her gardening adventures on Instagram

plant sale sign

And just a final tally and thank you to everyone who came out. You are amazing, Flagstaff! I’m so happy to build community here.


If you missed out on the Cold Hardy Vegetables Growing Guide, let me know and I’ll send it over to you. Here’s a little peek at what’s inside:

Promo Cold Hardy Veg.png

And keep an eye out in the very near future for my Summer Seedling Sale! I’ll have some very cool tomato varieties, among others. Stay tuned! 


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